Raphaël Quinodoz


Raphaël Quinodoz in a few words

Raphaël Quinodoz has been practising as a lawyer for more than 20 years. Alongside Pierre BANNA, he is one of the two founders of BANNA & QUINODOZ.

He is mainly active in the judicial field, particularly in matters of private law.
During his career, Raphaël Quinodoz has particularly specialised in the fields of construction law, contract law, labour law and corporate law, while continuing to deploy a regular activity in several other areas of law, such as tenancy law, inheritance law and family law.

He regularly advises companies and individuals in his field of expertise and is frequently consulted for the review or drafting of contracts related to real estate and labour law.

Raphaël Quinodoz is married and the father of two children and passionate about tennis. He also enjoys trail running, skiing and travelling.

Additional information

Bar – Professional Associations

  • Admitted to the Geneva Bar in 2000
  • Member of the Geneva Bar Association and of the Swiss Bar Association

Main areas of practice

  • Litigation and judicial law
  • Business contract and construction law
  • Real estate law and rights in rem
  • Labour law
  • Corporate law
  • Tenancy law
  • Law of obligations and contract law
  • Family law
  • General administrative law
  • Inheritance law
  • Civil liability and private insurance law
  • Debt collection, bankruptcy and composition
  • Economic criminal law


  • French
  • English